Information and communication technology

Hardware Are the physical components of a PC.

Hardware It also has material components such as: keyboard, monitor and printer.

Software It is in charge of processing the data and the information.

Diskette It's an old storage medium.

Ram It's a random access memory.

Microsoft Word It's a word processor.

Computer cleaning measures It is based on not spilling liquids on it and cover with special covers the monitor, keyboard, and CPU

CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse Are the basic physical components of a computer

USB Port It's the port where the printers are connected.

Cpu It is the most important component of the computer, which is the brain that controls and manages information, and exercises computer control.

A safety measure for computer equipment It is electric current and it is must be reliable and stable.

The function of the Mouse is to transmit the hand movements to the computer.

The keyboard It's an input device.

Computer Virus It's a small program that "infects" a computer; It can cause undesirable effects and even irreparable damage to the computer's hard drive.

Drivers It is a program that controls the operation of devices such as: mouse, keyboard, hard drive, etc.

Antivirus Software It is a program that is used to detect and to try to eliminate the computer viruses that may have infected a hard disk, diskette or the memory.

The computer It is a set of electronic (tangible) and logical (intangible) components that can perform several functions, including: performing complex mathematical calculations and data processing.

Units of Measure They indicate the capacity of a storage device that is measured in gigabytes (GB). Is the space available for storing 1-byte sequences. Capacity steadily increases from hundreds of MB, tens of GB, hundreds of GB, and even TB. Rotational speed: Measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).

Council: Never turn off the controller when the computer is shutting down applications and the operating system.

Right: File management implies that I can delete, save, rename, move, and compress files and folders.
Caution Trojans, spyware and worms are more dangerous than the computer virus.

Mozilla is an internet browser.

The network Is the interconnection of several computers.

Source Used to change the font in the Microsoft Word program.

Ctrl-Z It's a combination of keys that help undo an action.

Internet address written correctly. . www.casca.edu.gt

The Antivirus Software What really updates is the library of virus definitions that have emerged recently.

Ctrl + V results in paste

The digital Age It impacts on various aspects of society, such as: economics, education. Culture, this results in progress, development and facilitates the realization of various activities.
